Criminal Law Firm Operating in Major US Urban Metro

Paid search advertising campaigns often become a valuable resource for attorneys, from single practitioners to large-scale law partnerships. Typically, the legal specialties where PPC advertising works the best, become the most expensive. Cost per click (CPC) in some US Metro legal markets can exceed $60-80!
One solo practitioner of criminal law had been having trouble generating adequate lead flow volume despite spending $100/day on PPC for some time. She operates in a major US metro area, so competition is fierce.
We went through three rounds of campaign builds over six months to find the optimal campaign structures and mix of campaign types. We also referred the attorney to a web developer who improved the website, bringing quality scores up and click costs down.
After a period of testing and experimentation, we ended up “cracking the code” for this particular client. Within a year we had the campaigns generating 40 new client leads per month, at a $65 CPA. The campaigns require regular maintenance to hold account performance at this level.