Adventure Travel Firm Runs 900 Ad Campaigns

A leading “travel deals” firm arrived as a client with 900 active search, display, and shopping campaigns. Each targets different adventure activities from horseback riding to helicopter tours. The ad spend was more than $250,000 per month with only a $350,000 operating margin.
In account re-engineering projects, we start by baselining metrics for each campaign in the account. We developed a taxonomy to name, classify and group the campaigns to make the account more manageable. We also developed tactics to replace the legacy campaigns without taking a performance hit from retiring them.
After three months we consolidated the campaigns to 380 active and moved all of them onto automated bidding, along with major adjustments in ad spend allocations. Operating margins (operating income adjusted for ad spend) increased 185% from $350K to $1M/month.
We took away new insights and skills into managing large-scale PPC accounts, which we’ve since built upon.