When we develop video campaign ads it requires an extra level of effort, creativity, and attention to detail as compared to the process for developing text ads. We have a process that can be summarized as follows: select a still image (frame) from the underlying video, then develop ad copy around that video based upon the classic creative process.

Because video ads are advertisements versus direct marketing, the performance of video campaigns is even more dependent upon the ads themselves than text-based search campaigns.  So we’ve tested different creative approaches to invent, improve, test, and optimize display ads.

Video ads are based upon an attention-getting image (frame) from a video, that also creates a mood and tone for the ad. So this is done after we have a solid handle on the competitive positioning and targeting.

The quality of video ad copy is crucial to the performance of the campaign. So we’ve experimented with and tested a number of methods for creating, improving, and optimizing ad copy. The workflow continue to use and improve in 2021 is illustrated in the diagram.

Although ad copy might appear to be difficult to gauge, an ad’s performance can be measured numerically using web analytics. So arriving at great-performing ad copy can become a systematic process.

We’ve developed “ad development workflows” not only for video campaigns, but for the other three types of digital advertising campaigns as well: search, video, and shopping.

Even though the quality of ad copy appears to be subjective — in the digital world — everything can be quantified, measured, and optimized. So arriving at great ad copy need not be a mystery.

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